The Department of Civil Engineering has grown over the years into one of the finest centers of training in the field of civil engineering.
The department is currently running undergraduate courses, postgraduate programme as well as research activities. Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world which includes Water works, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc.
For employment opportunities exist in the public & private sectors in large numbers in all branches of design, construction, & maintenance, enjoying a smooth drive, being happy with a well planned market place, you must take a moment to thank a civil engineer for the roads you travel and the market place you are in. But, these aren't the only contributions civil Engineers have made to life in the 21st century: They are also credited with synchronizing traffic lights, designing homes, building bridges, erecting industrial facilities and constructing recycling plants.
To impart knowledge and execellence in civil Engineering and technology with global perspectives to our students and to make them ethically strong Engineers to build our nation.
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TMA101 | Engineering Mathematics I |
TPH101/TCH101 | Engineering Physics/ Engineering Chemistry |
TME101/TEE101 | Basic Mechanical Engineering / Basic Electrical Engineering |
TCS101 | Fundamentals of Computer and Introduction to C programming |
TME102/ TEC101 | Engineering Mechanics / Basic Electronics Engineering |
THU101/ TEV101 | Professional Communication- / Environmental Science |
Labs | |
PPH151/PCH151 | Physics/Chemistry Laboratories |
PME151/PEE151 | Mechanical Engineering Lab /Electrical &Electronics Lab |
PCS151 | Computer Lab I |
PME152/ PME153 | Workshop / Computer Aided Engineering Graphics |
SGP101 | Seminar |
XGP101 | Extra Curricular Activity |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TMA202 | Engineering Mathematics II |
TCH201/ TPH201 | Engineering Chemistry/ Engineering Physics |
TEE201/ TME201 | Basic Electrical Engineering/ Basic Mechanical Engineering |
TCS202 | Programming in C |
TEC201/ TME202 | Basic Electronics Engineering / Engineering Mechanics |
THU202 | Technical Writing |
TEV201 | Environmental Science |
Labs | |
PCH251/PPH251 | Chemistry/Physics Laboratories |
PEE251/PME251 | Electrical & Electronics Lab/ Mechanical Engineering Lab |
PCS252 | Computer Lab II |
PME253 / PME252 | Computer Aided Engineering Graphics / Workshop |
SGP201 | Seminar |
XGP201 | Extra Curricular Activity |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TMA301 | Mathematics III |
TCE 301 | Fluid Mechanics |
TCE 302 | Basic Surveying |
TCE 303 | Building Materials and Construction |
TCE 304 | Strength of Material |
Labs | |
PCE 301 | Fluid Mechanics Lab |
PCE 302 | Basic Survey Field Work |
PCE 303 | Civil Engineering Drawing |
XCE 301 | Extra Curricular Activities |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TCE 401 | Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machine |
TCE 402 | Structural Analysis - I |
TCE 403 | Advanced Surveying |
TCE 404 | Engineering Geology |
TMA 402 | Computer Based Numerical & Statistical Techniques |
Labs | |
PCE 401 | Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machine Lab |
PCE 402 | Advanced Survey Field work |
PCS 402 | Numerical Technique Lab |
SCE 401 | SEMINAR* |
XCE 401 | Extra Curricular Activities |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
THM 501 | Industrial Economics & Principles of Management |
TCE 501 | Structural Analysis II |
TCE 502 | Concrete Structure I |
TCE 503 | Transportation Engineering I |
TCE 504 | Geotechnical Engineering I |
Labs | |
PCE 501 | Structural Analysis Lab. |
PCE 502 | Concrete Lab. |
PCE 503 | Transportation Engineering Lab. |
SCE 501 | SEMINAR* |
XCE 501 | Extra Curricular Activities |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TCE 601 | Environmental Engineering I |
TCE 602 | Concrete Structure II |
TCE 603 | Geotechnical Engineering II |
TCE 604 | Estimation, Construction Planning & Management |
Labs | |
PCE 601 | Environmental Engineering Lab. I |
PCE 602 | Structural Detailing Lab. I |
PCE 603 | Geotechnical Engineering Lab. |
SCE 601 | SEMINAR* |
XCE 601 | Extra Curricular Activities |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TCE 701 | Design of Steel Structures |
TCE 702 | Environmental Engineering II |
TCE 703 | Water Resources Engineering I |
TCE 704 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings |
Labs | |
PCE 701 | Environmental Engineering Lab. II |
PCE 702 | Structural Detailing Lab. II |
PCE 703 | Practical Training & Seminar |
CEP 701 | Project ( Stage - I ) |
XCE 701 | Extra Curricular Activities |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
Theory | |
TCE 801 | Transportation Engg. II |
TCE 802 | Water Resources Engg. II |
Labs | |
CEP 801 | Project (Stage II & III) |
SCE 801 | Seminar on research aspect |
XCE801 | Extra Curricular Activities |
Subject Code | Subject Title |
TMA651 | Mathematical methods |
TMA652 | Operation Research |
TMA653 | Optimization Techniques |
TMA654 | Mathematical Modelling |
Subject Code | Elective name |
TCE 711 | Computer Aided Design of Structures |
TCE 712 | Environmental Management |
TCE 713 | Ground water Engineering |
TCE 714 | Advanced Highway Engineering |
Subject Code | Elective name |
TCS 821 | Computer Graphics |
TMA 822 | Finite Element Method |
TCE 823 | Hydraulic Structures |
TCE 824 | Bridge Engineering |
Subject Code | Elective name |
TCE 831 | Water and Waste Water Treatment |
TCE 832 | Geographical Information System |
TCE 833 | Rock Engineering | | Year & Sem | Branch | Lab Name | Lab Equipment Name |
1 | 3rd & 5th | CE | Structural analysis | Curved Members, Three Hinged Arch, Two Hinged Arch, Portal Frame, Column Apparatus, Truss Apparatus, Cantilever Beam Apparatus, Simply Supported Beam, Dial Guages, Weights. |
2 | 3rd & 5th | CE | Soil Mechanics | Oven, Weighing Machine, Pycnometer, Casagrande Apparatus, Proctor's Compaction Apparatus, Cylindrical Core Cutter Method, Cylindrical Metal Compaction Mould, Uppal's Liquid Limit Device, Set of Sieves. |
3 | 3rd & 6th | CE | Transportation Engg. | Bitumen- Specific Gravity Test, Ductility Test, Flash & Fire point Test, Penetration Test, Softening Test, Viscosity Test, Water Content Test. Aggregate- Los Angeles Apparatus, Flakiness & Elongation Apparatus, Impact Testing Machine, Pycnometer, Compressive Strength Testing Machine. |
4 | 3rd & 6th | CE | Environmental Engg. | Turbidity Test, Conductivity Test, Colour Test, pH Test, Alkalinity Test, Acidity Test, Hardness Test, Chloride Test, Chlorine Demand Test, Dissolved Oxygen Test. |
5 | 2nd & 3rd | CE | Fluid Mechanics | Apparatus for conducting orifice meter Exp, Reynolds apparatus, Flow through Venturimeter and Orificemeter apparatus, Losses in pipe fitting, Pipe friction apparatus, Pitot static Tube apparatus Apparatus for verification of Bernoulli theorem, Flat bottom vessel apparatus, Flow over rectangular and V notch tank apparatus, Metacentric Height test. |
6 | 2nd & 3rd | CE | Building Materials | Vicat's Apparatus, Moulds, Compresion Testing Machine, Lee Chatelier's Apparatus, Impact Testing Machine, Set of Sieves, Pycnometer, Measuring Cylinder, Bucket & MISC. |
7 | 2nd & 3rd | CE | Surveying | Prismatic Compass, Surveyor's Compass, Dumpy Level, Vermier Theodolite, Electronic Theodolite, Metric Chains, Measuring Tapes, Arrows, Pegs, Ranging Rods, Staff, Tripod. |
8 | 2nd & 4th | CE | Hydraulic Machine | Reciprocating Pump Test, Centrifugal Pump test, Francis Turbine Test, Pelton Wheel Turbine Testing. |
9 | 2nd & 4th | CE | Advanced Surveying | Theodolite, Total Station, Plane Table, Alidade, Trough Compass, Spirit Level U-Fork with Plumb Bob, Tripod, GPS, Measuring Tape, Ranging Rod. |
10 | 2nd & 4th | CE | Concrete Technology | Set of Sieves, Measuring Cylinder, Los Angeles Apparatus, Slump Cone, Tamping Rod, Compaction Factor Apparatus, Measuring Tape, Weighing Machine |
11 | 2nd & 4th | CE | Geology | Pycnometer, Megascopic Study of Minerals. |
Employment for Civil Engineers abounds in the private and public sectors. In the private domain the Infrastructure sector is the perennial playground of the civil engineer. With the ever-widening network of Roads and Rails there is no dearth of jobs for Civil Engineers.
The new concept of community systems brings new blood to civil engineering. Civil engineering, built on team work, provides leadership skills to its practitioners. Thus civil engineers are naturally suited to become community leaders and mentors. As such civil engineering graduates can enter various public departments at the state or the central level via civil services or the relevant exam.
Civil Engineers work in a number of popular profiles such as surveyors, designers, architects, managers and planners.