The objective of our college has always been to be in the forefront of utilization of IT. Leveraging its power in making learning informative & entertaining for the students. The Institute is committed to provide best facilities available to support your academic performance in this net age. The computer lab is geared to provide the specialized environment required for all professional courses. The hub of the center is the latest state-of-the-art computer lab, well equipped with networked HP computers. The technology used for this network is the latest and backed by current and hi-tech operating systems. The complete center is backed by UPS for 100% power backup.
Latest and high quality software are installed on all the machines in the center, allowing students to work on them for their technical and analytical development. All the computers are connected to a line printer. Computers are made available to students for their projects and practical. Computer lab is available for use by the students for 12 hours everyday. A generator is readily available in case of major power breakdowns.
Computer And Networking
With due respect and importance to the IT revolution and being a technological institution, our colleges has taken all the steps to equip its students with all the advantages this revolution has to offer. With its help we have transformed our campus into a wi-fi enabled e-campus.
The e-campus comprises of a state-of-art internet centre, which remains open for 24 hours, has been connected with 2 MBPS and is being facilitated and connected with high speed and uninterrupted connectivity. Pentium IV and PDC computers are operated as workstations and a fully facilitated server from top line brands are installed. Besides, the work of this centre is under the control of permanent qualified full time staff and has been also provided with a server room with printing facility.
The state of- the art technology in our computer centre comprises the following.
- Dual processor IBM XEON server with windows 2000 platform.
- Dual processor IBM XEON server with SCO-UNIX Operating System with SDK kit.
- Dual processor HP XEON server with Linux Operating System.
All the above systems have hot swap SCSI hard drive, 800 workstations all Pentium IV or Core 2 Duo, networked in above said environment and are supported by on line UPS systems with backup facility.